CDC Order has been extended once again. This time through June 30, 2021.

Published 3/29/2021
Today, the Center for Disease Control indicated that that they intended to extend their Eviction Moratorium for non-payment evictions. While the order has not been published yet, we can assume that the same language that was in the previous orders remains in this order. Once published, we will provide a link to the order.
From what we have read from the CDC, the order extends the halt on Writs of Restitutions or lock outs for tenants for non-payment through June 30, 2021. All properties remain covered under this order, and it states that it does not relieve the tenant from any obligations of paying rent or late fees. It is unclear as to whether or not that is going to be true as many court’s are still limiting late fees and not actually requiring the tenant to fulfill their obligations on their stated declaration. The language in the Declaration remains the same and can be seen on our RentAlert.
This is making it rather difficult to get anyone out when they owe money. We are still recommending that the same day you receive the CDC Declaration that you submit to them the letter requesting the supplementing documentation found on our website. We want to know what sort of rental assistance they have requested and when it was done.
Without some definitive guidance from a Federal Court, the CDC and Biden Administration will continue this government taking and force landlords to bear the burden of tenants living rent free. While this extension runs through June, unchallenged, they will extend it again.
If you want to challenge the CDC Declaration of your tenants, please let our office know, and send to us an updated ledger, the letter requesting supplemental documentation, and any other information you may have concerning their rental assistance, employment, or communication about partial payments. While we cannot guarantee anything, we can certainly make efforts with the courts.

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